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Best Anti Aging Skin Treatment

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It can become very frustrating for women to see premature wrinkles, face lines and sagging skin, when you reach your 30s the signs of aging start to show up, but in fact you can prevent or even eliminate wrinkles and face lines not just at your 30s but at any other age.

Yes its true that the natural aging process cant be avoided, but the people that take care of their body and follow a daily skin care routine have a much better looking skin and do not experience most of the signs of aging until much later.

The good news is that there exist several anti aging skin treatments that have proven to improve the skin appearance and reduce the unsightly signs of aging in a short period of time.

Some of the best anti aging skin treatments are:

Face Lifts
Botox Injections
Chemical Peels
Laser Treatments
Cosmetic Surgery
Radio wave Frequency
LED light treatment

There are other types of treatments but those are some of the most common, each year more and more people from any type of age undergo these anti aging treatments to reduce and eliminate wrinkles, face lines, sagging skin, age spots and other skin problems.

However there are some downsides to this clinical treatments. Depending on what treatment you want there are some invasive and non invasive treatments, the main difference is that some require surgery and others don’t.

Botox injections are widely used by people of all ages, it is an effective treatment that paralyzes the muscles of the skin that form wrinkles, however the results last only for a few months.

Chemical peels have also been used to reduce wrinkles and scars on the skin, for some people it have been effective, but there are also many reviews of unsatisfied people that didn’t produce any significant improvement on their skin and the treatment can be painful.

Laser treatment it is becoming very popular and is one of the most effective, it burns the top layer of the skin to let new skin show up and therefore reduce wrinkles. There are many reviews of satisfied people with the results they have gotten.

Face lift on the other hand, is very effective but requires surgery and recovery time.

Anti aging Creams Treatment

The last option are anti aging creams that are widely known to help moisture the skin, cover up wrinkles and protect the skin from damage. Unfortunately most anti aging creams achieve poor results or are not safe to use due to the chemicals and synthetic substances that it contains.

But there are some anti aging creams that are made just with natural ingredients from all over the world that have powerful anti aging properties. The best natural anti aging creams are created in New Zealand and achieve phenomenal results.

Click Here to Discover the Most Effective Skin Care creams that reduce Stretch Marks, scars and Unwanted Wrinkles. Visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Written by antiagingantiwrinkle

October 29, 2008 at 8:09 am

Are Aging Skin Care Reviews Rating Skincare Products Accurately?

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Anti Aging skincare has become the centerpiece for the cosmetics industry during the age of the “baby boomers”. You can find websites and magazine articles everywhere rating skincare products for us, but are we truly getting honest and unbiased reviews? Let me explain to you why I don’t think that we are.

The range of anti aging skincare products is simply amazing. It seems that every company that produces cosmetics have at least a dozen or more of these creams and lotions available, which makes discerning which one is the best choice rather confusing. So how do we figure out this puzzle without having to buy and sample every product in sight?

Many people turn to the sites that have “experts” rating skincare products. If you look at these sites carefully you will notice that the only reason that the sites exist is to sell products to you no matter whether they will actually work for you or not. Take what I am about to say next as an example.

I am looking at such sight that places the Philosophy Hope in a Jar as their top anti aging skincare cream. It should come as no surprise then that they also list it as their number one seller. The problem with this product is that it has no active ingredients that will actually help you to have younger looking skin, but it does contain some very harmful ingredients.

From a very good resource of mine that does well at rating skincare products strictly for safety of the ingredients in the product tells me this product contains ingredients that have been scientifically link to cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and endocrine system disruption.

Does this aging skincare product sound as though it is something that you would want to have absorbed by your skin? I certainly wouldn’t want to use the product and neither should you. I think that this is a perfect example of how people can be falsely persuaded into buying products that will do nothing for them, and in fact may possibly harm them.

If rating skincare products were an honest game then the reviewers would tell you that there are safe, natural choices that you can make that have ingredients that will actually take care of your fine lines and wrinkles, which are good for you, instead of harmful to you. These kinds of products never seem to be the ones that are discussed.

Take the new all natural anti aging skincare products that are being produced by a company from New Zealand that have been successful in re-generating the production of new collagen and elastin through the use of proteins for example. You would certainly think that a product like that would be covered somewhere or another, but I have yet to see it.

If it was me rating skincare products I would have to consider a cream that could safely induce my body to become younger looking simply by rebuilding my collagen stores right up there at number one, wouldn’t you? It is products such as these that are the ones that we should be getting aging skincare reviews about.

Jennifer Smith is passionate about good health and using healthy products on her skin. She does extensive research on the best products to use and what products to avoid. Visit her website at to find out what products she recommends.

Written by antiagingantiwrinkle

October 24, 2008 at 5:51 pm

Wrinkle Creams – What to Look For

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If you’re like most people, you linger for a long time in the anti aging skin care aisle of your local drugstore, thinking to yourself, ‘why are some wrinkle creams better than others’. You might even wonder whether the benefits touted by manufacturers of wrinkle creams is mere marketing.

Picking out the best wrinkle cream products on the market today, we began to compare the ingredients and found some surprising results. Some ingredients in these creams are better than others, causing products to be better than others.

Below is a list of the top six ingredients we found in the best wrinkle creams. All relate to age defiance. This information will ultimately assist consumers in purchasing wrinkle products by empowering consumers with the knowledge to see the genuine from the gimmick.

Retinol: This has been in wrinkle creams for years. This type of Vitamin A is even in today’s products because it is proven to neutralize ‘free radical’ particles that break down your skin and cause aging signs.

Coenzyme Q10: this is a naturally occurring type of enzyme. It acts like a ‘food’ for cells, helping them regulate their production of energy. Studies have shown that it can relax those tiny lines around your eyes by helping make the skin cells around your eyes more healthy.

Tea extract: this is one of the newest ingredients in wrinkle creams. Just like drinking tea provides you with antioxidants that help promote whole-body health, give you energy, and turn back the clock of aging, so too does using tea on your skin. Tea extracts also help reduce the inflammation that causes skin damage over time.

Alpha Hydroxy: This is an acid used in exfoliation products, stripping the very top layer of dead skin to reveal more fresh, lively looking skin. Exfoliation is a great process to perform periodically. It keeps facial skin looking fresh and new.

Copper peptide: this is an essential nutrient that our bodies need to be healthy. Copper particles are especially great for our skin because they increase the speed at which it heals from wounds. Over time, tiny invisible wounds caused by environmental conditions damage our skin and speed its aging, since it is never able to heal properly.

Kinetin: This substance comes from a plant hormone that promotes cell division. Kinetin is used in wrinkle creams to fade wrinkles and brown spots. Scientists say it makes skin and collagen grow quickly, healing and smoothing wrinkles by increased cell growth, filling in the ‘valleys’.

Jen Hopkins has worked in the anti wrinkle serum industry for years. She maintains websites about anti wrinkle serum and Lifecell skin care. If you want to contact her, you can use the contact for at one of her sites.

Written by antiagingantiwrinkle

October 24, 2008 at 5:45 pm